Poem of the Week by Francisco Aragón

strange while fishing
sun lowering itself
everyone wondered
unknown bird the vision
over and over
a new game men
wild with
chopped skin
burnt feet
all of it
surprise shock so
so so
desire everything
not enough.
an erasure of Andrés Montoya
Francisco Aragón is the son of Nicaraguan immigrants. He is the author of Glow of Our Sweat and Puerta del Sol, as well as the editor of, The Wind Shifts: New Latino Poetry. His third book, After Rubén, is slated for 2020 with Red Hen Press. His Tongue A Swath of Sky, a chapbook, was released in 2019. A native of San Francisco, he is a faculty member at the Institute for Latino Studies (ILS) at the University of Notre Dame, where he directs their literary initiative, Letras Latinas. For more information, visit: http://franciscoaragon.net
This poem is an erasure of a poem by Andres Montoya (1968-1999). Montoya was an acclaimed Chicano, or Mexican-American poet from Fresno, California. Montoya's literary activism was a source of inspiration for generations of Latino writers. Much of Montoya's subject matter paid homage to the farm workers of the California central valley, the vast majority of whom were Latin American immigrants.
Artwork by Ellen Sharman