I want to unpeel the universe / with my
fingernails / and dig out the planets / like eyes on a
potato. Except even this / isn’t right. I’ve got my
scale / all wrong. I’ve got a restless kind of energy /
and a bruise under my middle toenail / looming
like Neptune’s Great Dark Spot / that children’s
thumbprint smudge of storm / which vanished five
years / after we found it. Some things / aren’t
meant to be named. / Just today I spotted God /
lurking in the corner / like the P.E teacher / who
held the stopwatch for the bleep test / saying run
faster. And again and always / Run faster. /
Keep running.
HELENA AEBERLI is a writer, poet and director currently studying History and Politics at Jesus College. She likes caffeine, long coats, and longer walks.
Art by Charlotte Bunney