By Jen Frantz

You are the pilot
of your own sanity.
Don’t recede;
don’t picture the sky.
I have said
I’m leaving the house.
One day, I will
brag about where
I rest. I will rest
here. You have
gotten so casual,
so lifted into pictures.
As we speak,
I’m ruining someone’s
I’m sure of it.
You are going
to be well.
You are going
to picture it.
Blue onwards.
I have never,
in my strongest
years, felt
so introduced.
JEN FRANTZ has been published or is forthcoming in Prelude, Sporklet, and Washington Square Review, and will be attending the Iowa Writers' Workshop in the fall. She currently lives with a three-foot tall stuffed penguin named Lola (L-O-L-A, Lola).
Art by Agnes Halladay